Farm Keeper's Cottage, Kent

A sensitive but substantial refurbishment of this farm keeper's cottage within the Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, including the addition of external timber boarding to provide a step change in the building’s appearance and performance

The existing two-storey brick farm keeper’s cottage is located within a private estate in the heart of the Kent Downs AONB. The building suffers from a number of significant issues including poor thermal performance, damp and substantial deterioration of the facing bricks to the south elevation.
We reviewed a number of options, including demolition, and arrived at a solution which included the application of an external insulation, vapour control and timber weather cladding. This solution avoided the loss of internal floor area, salvaged the structure and provided the most cost-effective solution.
Combined with replacement windows and doors, these measures greatly improved the building’s environmental performance and brought the thermal mass of the existing structure into effect, stabilising the internal temperature during the summer and winter to create a very comfortable new home.
Approval was gained through permitted development rights and the project was completed in 2017
Client : Private
Area : 45 sq.m
Value : Confidential
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